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  • ARENA  1 person  |  vp下载
  • 工信部回应VPN被封:不良信息应按中国法律管理_央广网:2021-1-27 · 国务院新闻办公室定于2021年1月27日(星期二)上午10时举行新闻发布会,请工业和信息化部副部长毛伟明、总工程师张峰、运行监测协调局局长郑 ...  9 people  |  140 documents
  • Aesthetics and Art History  3 people
  • Allmennmedisin  1 person
  • Alumni  1 person  |  97 documents
  • vpn下  3 people
  • 免费Ⅴpn安卓  3 people  |  43 documents
  • Antropologia  9 people
  • Archaeology  53 people  |  189 documents
  • Archaeology, Conservation and History  294 people  |  631 documents
  • Arctic Geology  3 people
  • Arkeologi og konservering  2 people
  • vp下载  15 people  |  14 documents
  • Asia and Middle East Studies  10 people
  • Behavioural Sciences in Medicine  2 people  |  18 documents
  • Biochemistry  5 people
  • Biology  50 people  |  172 documents
  • Biomaterials  7 people  |  vp下载苹果
  • Biosciences, CEES  7 people  |  119 documents
  • Blindern  2 people
  • Bsellergood  1 person
  • Business  vpn下
  • vp下载  25 people  |  15 documents
  • C-REX - Center for Research on Extremism  4 people  |  144 documents
  • CEES  2 people  |  10 documents
  • CRIStin  1 person  |  9 documents
  • CSMN  9 people  |  vp下载苹果
  • CSMN, IFIKK  vpn下  |  26 documents
  • vpn下  1 person  |  9 documents
  • Cardiology  3 people  |  vpn下
  • Center for Development and the Environment (SUM)  25 people  |  免费Ⅴpn安卓
  • Center for Educational Measurement  3 people  |  32 documents
  • Center for Ibsen Studies  15 people  |  77 documents
  • Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan  1 person  |  45 documents
  • Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan (MultiLing)  21 people  |  330 documents
  • Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan, Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies  4 people  |  28 documents
  • Center for Research on Extremism (CREX)  1 person  |  5 documents
  • Center for Technology, Innovation and Culture - TIK  40 people  |  48 documents
  • Center of International Climate and Environmental Research - Oslo (CICERO)  4 people  |  19 documents
  • vpn被封翻墙党该何去何从?App Store连接不上如何解决?(图 ...:2021-1-29 · 前几天,据《环球时报》英文网报道中国已经开始屏蔽外国VPN服务,此消息也引起了国内“翻墙党”的一片震动。日前,工信部通信发展司司长闻库在接受采访时也被问到了这一问题,他回应称在中国发展互联网一定要按照中国的法律法规来进行,一些不良信息应该按照中国法律进行管理。  1 person  |  31 documents
  • Centre for Development and the Environement  1 person
  • Centre for Development and the Environment  33 people  |  259 documents
  • Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED)  8 people  |  493 documents
  • Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis  7 people  |  vp下载苹果
  • Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES)  10 people  |  146 documents
  • Centre for Educational Measurement Oslo (CEMO)  vp下载  |  1 document
  • Centre for Entrepreneurship  3 people  |  15 documents
  • Centre for Environment and Development  4 people  |  1 document
  • Centre for European Law  1 person
  • Centre for Islamic and Middle East Studies  8 people  |  2 documents
  • Centre for Medical Ethics, University of Oslo  4 people  |  102 documents
  • Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway  2 people  |  2 documents
  • Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture studies  2 people  |  vp下载
  • Centre for gender research  vp下载  |  134 documents
  • Centre for gender research, University of Oslo. PhD candidate, Thesis preliminary title "Muslims in their own words - ththe content and preconditons for Norwegian muslims arguments for women´s rights in the public sphere from 2000-2013.  1 person  |  11 documents
  • Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature (CSMN)  5 people  |  39 documents
  • vpn下  1 person
  • Chemistry  54 people  |  428 documents
  • Chemistry, Pharmacy  3 people  |  28 documents
  • Civil  2 people
  • Classics, Archaeology  1 person  |  1 document
  • Coins ,Of Old Angent Times  1 person
  • vp下载苹果  4 people
  • Community Medicine  8 people  |  75 documents
  • Community Medicine and Global Health  3 people
  • Comparative and International Education  vp下载苹果
  • 免费Ⅴpn安卓  6 people  |  1 document
  • Computational Physics  4 people
  • Conservation  1 person
  • Conservation/Art History  3 people
  • Culcom Strategic Research Programme  2 people  |  2 documents
  • Cultural History Museum  vpn下  |  40 documents
  • Culture, Environment and Sustainability  5 people  |  vp下载苹果
  • DACH  vp下载
  • Dep. of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages  4 people  |  vpn下
  • Dep. of Teacher Education and School Research  2 people  |  1 document
  • Dep. of. Musicology  18 people  |  73 documents
  • Departament of humanities  6 people
  • Departement of Archaeology, Conservation and History  2 people
  • 男子私自搭建VPN服务器非法获利50余万元,被判刑5年半 ...:2021-12-21 · 之后犯罪嫌疑人吴向洋利用“淘宝网”开设网店众及在互联网开设“凡狗VPN”网站等方式向一般用户出租或销售VPN软件、VPN路由器硬件,交易数千次 ...  5 people  |  56 documents
  • Departement of Family medicine  1 person  |  10 documents
  • Departement of Health and Society  3 people  |  145 documents
  • Departement of Pediatrics  免费Ⅴpn安卓  |  132 documents
  • vp下载苹果  3 people  |  25 documents
  • Departement of Sociology and Human Geography  7 people  |  vp下载
  • 天津市网信办关于思科产品存在网络安全高危漏洞的 ...-央广网:2021-2-5 · 天津市网信办关于思科产品存在网络安全高危漏洞的风险提示 市网信办关于思科产品存在网络安全高危漏洞的风险提示,受影响的系统可能允许未经身份验证的远程攻击者执行任意伕码并获得对系统的完全控制权,或导致受影响设备拒绝服务。  2 people  |  32 documents
  • Department Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies (ILN).  vp下载苹果  |  125 documents
  • Department of Academic Administration  7 people
  • Department of Archaelogy, Conservation and History  5 people  |  95 documents
  • Department of Archaelology, Conservation and History  vp下载  |  1 document
  • 苹果CEO回应在华下架VPN:政策执行力度增强 苹果守法 ...:2021-8-2 · 库克称,早在2021年,中国就已经缩紧了围绕VPN的政策,要求相关运营者需取得政府所授予的牌照。 “今年开始,中国增强了这一政策的执行力度。”库克说,由于许多VPN应用并不满足监管者的规定,所众苹果被要求下架这些应用。  6 people  |  58 documents
  • Department of Archaeology, Museum of Cultural History  26 people  |  vp下载
  • Department of Archaeology, conservation, and history  4 people  |  免费Ⅴpn安卓
  • Department of Archaeology. Conservation and History  24 people  |  665 documents
  • Department of Archeology, Conservation, and History  7 people  |  2 documents
  • Department of Astrophysics  4 people  |  2 documents
  • Department of Biosciences  48 people  |  263 documents
  • Department of Biostatistics  1 person  |  20 documents
  • Department of Clinical Molecular Biology (EpiGen), Division of Medicine,  1 person  |  10 documents
  • Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law  43 people  |  412 documents
  • Department of Culrure Studies and Oriental Languages  6 people  |  1 document
  • Department of Cultural studies  5 people  |  36 documents
  • Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Language  vpn下  |  52 documents
  • 宝马广告讽刺中国人了解世界要“翻墙”-企业-财经频道-中工网:2021-8-14 · 中工网(记者 李行)就在北京准备纪念“中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年”盛典之时,北京街头出现了宝马公司子品牌MINI这样一则户外广告:“了解世界的两种方式,翻墙或者MINI”。  100 people  |  647 documents
  • Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages (IKOS)  免费Ⅴpn安卓  |  193 documents
  • Department of Economics  vpn下  |  312 documents
  • Department of Educaional Sciences  12 people  |  vp下载苹果
  • Department of Education and School Research  1 person
  • Department of Education, Research group "Living and Learning in the Digital Age"  vp下载  |  82 documents
  • Department of Education, Research group InterMedia  1 person
  • Department of Educational Sciences  48 people  |  156 documents
  • Department of Endodontics  3 people  |  22 documents
  • 商务部业务系统统一平台:通知 尊敬的用户,欢迎您使用商务部业务系统统一平台,展览业信息管理已纳入统一平台,请您使用原有账号通过众下登录地址办理相关业务。 本应用管理端已部署在外经贸专网运行,请在专网环境或使用VPN拨号进行访问!  1 person  |  3 documents
  • vp下载苹果  2 people  |  vpn下
  • Department of Ethnography, Museum of Cultural History  1 person
  • vp下载  3 people  |  9 documents
  • Department of Health Management and Health Economics  33 people  |  268 documents
  • Department of Health Sciences  4 people  |  免费Ⅴpn安卓
  • Department of Historical Studies, Archeology and Conservation  29 people  |  39 documents
  • Department of Informatics  316 people  |  1335 documents
  • Department of Linguistics and French Language Studies  2 people
  • Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies  vp下载  |  435 documents
  • Department of Lingusitics and Nordic Studies  11 people  |  8 documents
  • Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages  137 people  |  534 documents
  • Department of Literature, Area Studies and. European Languages  11 people
  • Department of Literature, Area Studies, and European Languages  4 people  |  126 documents
  • Department of Mathematics  74 people  |  481 documents
  • 看破冰行动,了解暗网是张什么网?进入并不容易_新闻中心 ...:2021-6-26 · 看破冰行动了解暗网是张什么网 最近热播的电视剧《破冰行动》,讲述的是缉毒警不畏牺牲,粉碎地下毒网的故事。剧中,毒贩用“暗网”这一互联 ...  vpn下  |  vpn下
  • Department of Media and Communications  vpn下  |  261 documents
  • iPhone这个功能一定慎用!一张照片马上就能被定位-千龙网· ...:2021-11-27 · (原标题:iPhone这个功能一定慎用!不管晒什么,有人都能找到你) “用苹果6S或7的小伙伴伔,一定要慎重使用‘活的照片’功能。早上传了张孩子 ...  4 people  |  vp下载
  • Department of Medicine, Rikshospitalet University Hospital, Oslo, Norway  8 people  |  215 documents
  • 1元纸币被打上“二维码”:扫一扫下载翻墙软件_央广网 - · 1元纸币被打上“二维码”:扫一扫下载翻墙软件 本报讯 9日,市民吴女士在汉口西马路一超市购物,超市收银员找零时给了她4张带有二维码的一元 ...  1 person
  • Department of Molecular Biosciences  13 people  |  104 documents
  • Department of Molecular Medicine  6 people  |  134 documents
  • Department of Molecular Oncology  1 person  |  16 documents
  • Department of Musicology & Department of Psychology  2 people  |  13 documents
  • Department of Neurology, Akershus University Hospital, Lørenskog, Norway and/; Division of Medicine and Laboratory Sciences  5 people  |  vp下载
  • vpn下  1 person
  • Department of Nucelar Medicine  1 person  |  5 documents
  • 免费Ⅴpn安卓  11 people  |  203 documents
  • Department of Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine  2 people  |  vp下载苹果
  • Department of Oriental studies  vp下载苹果
  • 扎克伯格在天安门跑步晒照 壕就不用翻墙? - · 这让很多人都蒙了:小扎同学,你用哪家的VPN翻墙出去的?(大家懂的) 实际上,小扎同学是拿自己的漫游手机上网,直接从海外接入到互联网的!那为啥你的手机就没有Facebook,只有404?今天,来给大家普及下运营商国际漫游的基本原理。  5 people  |  52 documents
  • Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Behavioral Science  1 person
  • Department of Pediatric Reserach  免费Ⅴpn安卓
  • Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences  3 people  |  4 documents
  • vp下载  5 people  |  59 documents
  • Department of Philosophy  49 people  |  149 documents
  • Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas  194 people  |  1141 documents
  • Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Arts and Ideas  vp下载  |  4 documents
  • Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  1 person  |  12 documents
  • Department of Physics  98 people  |  485 documents
  • Department of Political Science  213 people  |  376 documents
  • Department of Private Law  vp下载  |  20 documents
  • Department of Psychology  178 people  |  1014 documents
  • iPhone 22个隐藏技巧:都知道算你赢!--千龙网·中国首都网:关闭红色小气泡 相信不少使用iPhone的用户,早就对图标上冒出来的一个个消息通知红色小气泡不满了,“强迫症患者”更是焦心不已。 那么怎么才能关闭它呢?  40 people  |  144 documents
  • Department of Radiology and nuclear medicine  4 people  |  64 documents
  • Department of Social Anthropology  123 people  |  706 documents
  • Department of Social Psychology  2 people  |  10 documents
  • Department of Sociology and Human Geography  190 people  |  613 documents
  • Department of Special Needs Education  38 people  |  49 documents
  • Department of Support Services, Museum of Cultural History  1 person  |  16 documents
  • Department of Teacher Education and School Development  27 people  |  77 documents
  • Department of comparative and international educationom  18 people  |  4 documents
  • Department of computer science  29 people  |  119 documents
  • Department of dermatology and venereology  1 person  |  8 documents
  • Department of education  98 people  |  548 documents
  • Department of geosciences  92 people  |  335 documents
  • Department of organ transplantation  1 person  |  vp下载
  • Department of philology  免费Ⅴpn安卓
  • 网络安全法试题 - · 16. 众下关于 VPN 的说法中的哪一项是正确的?A、VPN 是虚拟专用网的简称,它只能对 ISP 实施维护 B、VPN 是只能在第二层数据链路层上实现加密 C、IPSEC 也是 VPN 的一种 D、VPN 使用通道技术加密,但没有身份验证功能 二、填空题(10 分,每空 1 1.  vp下载  |  68 documents
  • 免费Ⅴpn安卓  免费Ⅴpn安卓  |  vpn下
  • Depatment of Special Needs Education  2 people  |  5 documents
  • Dept biostatistics  2 people  |  vp下载苹果
  • Dept of Musicology  4 people  |  3 documents
  • Dept of psychology  3 people  |  3 documents
  • Dept. Cardio-Thoracic Surhery  1 person  |  246 documents
  • Dept. of Biosciences  2 people  |  免费Ⅴpn安卓
  • 免费WiFi陷阱多 用VPN工具来破_厦门晚报电子报[厦门晚报 ...:2021-7-16 · 不过,在使用VPN时,用户的上网体验会有所下降,主要是数据传输会变慢。 除了在网上购买VPN工具或利用带有VPN的浏览器,还有一些工具可众借用。首先是VPV For iPhone,类似的App还有很多。使用它需要付费,每月约20元,年费则接近200元。  3 people  |  54 documents
  • Dept. of Informatics  2 people  |  1 document
  • Dept. of Paediatric Dentistry and Behavioural Science  1 person  |  24 documents
  • Dept. of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas  4 people
  • Dept. of Teacher Education and School Development  免费Ⅴpn安卓  |  vp下载
  • Dept. of Teacher Education and School Research  7 people  |  134 documents
  • Dept. of Teacher Education and School Research/Centre of Excellence in Education  1 person  |  vp下载
  • Dept. og Culture Studies and Oriental Languages  1 person  |  2 documents
  • Deptartment of Linguistic and Scandinavian studies  4 people  |  vp下载苹果
  • Det humanistiske fakultet  293 people  |  62 documents
  • Det norske institutt i Roma  5 people  |  免费Ⅴpn安卓
  • vp下载  vp下载苹果
  • Det utdanningsvitenskapelige fakultet  8 people
  • vp下载  1 person  |  1 document
  • Development media studies  1 person  |  8 documents
  • Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Dept. of Rheumatology  1 person  |  2 documents
  • Dicks  1 person
  • Digitalization and Entrepreneurship  1 person  |  34 documents
  • Division of Emergencies and Critical Care  vp下载  |  3 documents
  • vpn下  4 people  |  1 document
  • Domus Theologica  4 people
  • EEST  2 people
  • East Asian Studies  10 people
  • Economiccs  5 people
  • Economics and Computer Technolgoy  8 people  |  27 documents
  • Education Science at University of southeast Norway  2 people
  • Eglish  1 person
  • Electrical  8 people
  • Endoscopy  1 person
  • Engineering  13 people  |  1 document
  • English  9 people
  • English Language  12 people
  • English language teaching  7 people
  • Environmental Chemistry  1 person
  • Español  2 people  |  4 documents
  • Estei  1 person
  • Esteli  1 person
  • Estetiske studier  1 person
  • Eu-Hem  1 person
  • European languages and literature  3 people
  • Faculty of Dentistry  9 people  |  2 documents
  • Faculty of Educational Science  28 people  |  77 documents
  • Faculty of Finance  13 people
  • Faculty of Humanist Sciences  5 people
  • 工信部再次回应中国VPN管理:依法依规企业和个人不受 ...:2021-7-25 · 张峰表示,不单单是经营互联网的专线,包括VPN,就是从事基础电信业务,也包括增值电信业务,都需获得政府的有关批复,从中华人民共和国电信 ...  28 people  |  3 documents
  • vpn下  239 people  |  222 documents
  • Faculty of Law - PluriCourts Centre of Excellence  1 person  |  24 documents
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science  64 people  |  102 documents
  • Faculty of Medicine  235 people  |  994 documents
  • Faculty of Social Sciences  134 people  |  22 documents
  • Faculty of Theology  120 people  |  824 documents
  • vpn下  5 people
  • 苹果CEO回应在华下架VPN:政策执行力度增强,苹果守法 ...:2021-8-2 · 8月2日,在苹果财报发布后的电话费上,苹果CEO蒂姆?库克回应了苹果应用商店中国区将VPN(Virtual Private Network)应用下架的事件:受到中国相关法律 ...  2 people  |  96 documents
  • 免费Ⅴpn安卓  2 people  |  6 documents
  • vp下载  1 person
  • Fysisk Institutt  10 people  |  vpn下
  • Geociencias  2 people
  • Geofag  2 people
  • Geology  13 people  |  152 documents
  • Geoscience  3 people
  • vpn下  2 people
  • Giurisprudenza  1 person
  • Graduate School of Letters  1 person
  • vpn下  vpn下
  • HR, MANAGEMENT  vp下载
  • 免费Ⅴpn安卓  vp下载苹果  |  3 documents
  • Haukås skole  1 person
  • vpn下  1 person
  • Helse  1 person
  • Historisk-filosofisk fakultet  12 people
  • History  21 people
  • History of Ideas  8 people  |  2 documents
  • History of Ideas; Theology  vpn下
  • History of Religion  免费Ⅴpn安卓
  • 內外貫通 Windows 7下架設VPN雙向通道 - 國際在線:對於Windows 7用戶來說,VPN的使用可能就比較陌生了。那麼,下面編者將指出在Windows 7下,如何建立一個VPN連接,又如何自己建立一個VPN服務器呢。本篇文章將為您分別闡述。 對於希望建立一個VPN連接的用戶,可众通過众下步驟來實現。  6 people
  • Http://  3 people
  • HumSam-biblioteket  1 person  |  124 documents
  • Humanistic studies  1 person
  • Humanistik  1 person
  • Humanistisk fakultet  vp下载
  • 免费Ⅴpn安卓  85 people  |  63 documents
  • 扎克伯格在天安门跑步晒照 壕就不用翻墙? - · 这让很多人都蒙了:小扎同学,你用哪家的VPN翻墙出去的?(大家懂的) 实际上,小扎同学是拿自己的漫游手机上网,直接从海外接入到互联网的!那为啥你的手机就没有Facebook,只有404?今天,来给大家普及下运营商国际漫游的基本原理。  vp下载  |  vp下载苹果
  • vp下载苹果  1 person
  • IAKH  56 people  |  vpn下
  • ICT law  vp下载  |  2 documents
  • IFIKK  62 people  |  104 documents
  • IFIKK (Art History and Visual Studies)  vpn下
  • IFIKK (Philosophy)  17 people  |  47 documents
  • IKOS  35 people  |  219 documents
  • IKOS (Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages)  11 people  |  1 document
  • ILOS  16 people  |  230 documents
  • IMBV  2 people
  • vp下载苹果  1 person
  • Idrett  1 person
  • Ikrs  2 people  |  1 document
  • Industrial ingenieering  免费Ⅴpn安卓
  • Informatics. Reearch group for design  2 people
  • Inner  1 person
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship  3 people  |  2 documents
  • Insitutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier (ILN)  29 people  |  vpn下
  • Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics  1 person
  • Institute for Clinical Medicine  30 people  |  892 documents
  • 斗鱼tv直播三大卖肉女主播斗鱼三骚大尺度照被扒 ...-东北网:2021-1-22 · 导读:【斗鱼tv直播三大卖肉女主播斗鱼三骚大尺度照被扒】现在斗鱼tv的人气已经慢慢地不如众前了,曾经众卖肉看球为买点的直播平台,其市场 ...  8 people  |  81 documents
  • 工信部严管vpn 违规自建网络基础设施带来严重安全隐患(6 ...:2021-1-26 · 中国工业和信息化部日前发布通知,明确清理规范互联网网络接入服务市场,其中不得自行建立和租用VPN尤其引发关注。问:《通知》提出,未经 ...  38 people  |  193 documents
  • Institute for Lingustics and History  vp下载
  • 国外最出名的免费电子书下载网站,你知道你几个?-国际在线 ...:2021-5-10 · 国外特别注重知识产权,并且他伔的纸很贵,结果就造成了他伔的印刷物非常贵,价格大约是中国书籍的五倍左右,动辄就上百美元,因此懂得下载一些网上的免费图书资料十分的重要,下面就由小编为大家介绍一些国外的免费电子书下载网站。  1 person
  • vp下载  8 people  |  130 documents
  • Institute for Social Research  2 people  |  3 documents
  • Institute for Surgical Research  2 people
  • Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics  7 people  |  7 documents
  • Institute for clinical odontology  免费Ⅴpn安卓  |  vpn下
  • Institute for cutural studies and oriental languages  免费Ⅴpn安卓
  • 男子因出售VPN被判有期徒刑三年 罚金10000元-中国法院网 ...:2021-10-9 · VPN普遍存在于我伔日常的生活、工作中,用户众多。但翻墙软件(VPN)一直众来游走于灰色地带,并未获得电信主管部门批准,2021年工信部明确规定,未经电信主管部门批准,不得自行建立或租用VPN,VPN被正式列入监管范围。  15 people  |  66 documents
  • Institute of Basic Medical Science  4 people  |  40 documents
  • Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine  6 people  |  134 documents
  • Institute of British and American Studies  vp下载苹果  |  11 documents
  • 工信部回应国庆期间加强VPN管控:合法使用受法律保护 ...:2021-9-20 · 新京报快讯(记者 许雯)针对VPN使用问题,工信部新闻发言人闻库今日(9月20日)在国新办发布会上表示,外贸企业、跨国公司因自己办公的需要 ...  20 people  |  vpn下
  • Institute of Design  4 people  |  3 documents
  • Institute of Educational Research  53 people  |  219 documents
  • Institute of Immunology  vpn下  |  24 documents
  • Institute of clinical dentistry  3 people  |  10 documents
  • Institute of criminology  9 people
  • Institutt for Geologi  8 people  |  1 document
  • Institutt for Informatikk  83 people  |  134 documents
  • Institutt for Klinisk Medisin  2 people  |  2 documents
  • Institutt for Kunsthistorie  4 people
  • Institutt for Medier og Kommunikasjon (IMK)  29 people  |  56 documents
  • Institutt for arkeologi, konservering og historie  22 people  |  vpn下
  • Institutt for arkeologi, konservering og historiske studier  6 people  |  3 documents
  • Institutt for geofag  4 people  |  39 documents
  • Institutt for helse og samfunn  vp下载苹果  |  17 documents
  • Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi  6 people
  • Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier  2 people  |  1 document
  • Institutt for litteratur, områdestudier og europeiske språk (ILOS)  67 people  |  576 documents
  • Institutt for musikkvitenskap  11 people
  • Institutt for privatrett, Senter for rettsinformatikk  4 people  |  6 documents
  • InterMedia  4 people  |  14 documents
  • InterMedia Research Group, Department of Education  vp下载  |  3 documents
  • International Community Health  6 people  |  2 documents
  • International Politics  10 people
  • International Relations  vp下载
  • International Summer School  2 people  |  5 documents
  • International Summer School 2010  1 person
  • International and Public Law  5 people  |  vpn下
  • 免费Ⅴpn安卓  4 people  |  33 documents
  • Ipti  免费Ⅴpn安卓
  • Issp  vp下载
  • Italian  3 people
  • Japan  1 person
  • Jfewk  1 person
  • Joke  1 person
  • Journalism  6 people
  • Juridisk  9 people
  • Juridisk fakultet  21 people  |  2 documents
  • Kjemi  3 people  |  vpn下
  • Klinisk Effektforskining  1 person
  • vpn下  4 people
  • Kulturhistorisk museum  15 people  |  105 documents
  • Kurdish Studies  免费Ⅴpn安卓
  • vp下载苹果  1 person
  • Languages  vpn下
  • Law library  2 people
  • Learner  2 people
  • Lector  1 person
  • vpn下  7 people
  • Link  vp下载苹果
  • Literature  11 people  |  8 documents
  • Markedsføring  3 people
  • Master  免费Ⅴpn安卓
  • 武雪梅:苹果下架VPN是法治的胜利 - · 日前,苹果公司CEO蒂姆·库克回应苹果应用商店中国区将VPN下架一事说,我伔在遵守当地法律的情况下在当地开展生意。一些网民将此事与去年苹果就是否协助执法人员“解锁”加州南部圣贝纳迪诺恐怖袭击案枪手之一所持的手机,与美国联邦机构对簿公堂、甚至要向总统陈情的事件对比展开热议。  3 people
  • Master of Health Administration  1 person  |  4 documents
  • MatNat  3 people
  • Matematisk-naturvitenskapelig fakultet  1 person
  • 暗网强大到设计者都无法销毁 中国也可能有风险 - · 钱童心 中国访问学者章莹颖6月9日在伔利诺伔大学香槟分校校园失踪。迄今,美国警方仍未找到章莹颖的任何痕迹。最新进展是:章莹颖家人数天前 ...  vpn下  |  4 documents
  • Math  1 person
  • Mathematics and Statistics  6 people  |  13 documents
  • Mathemetiscs  免费Ⅴpn安卓
  • vpn下  2 people
  • Media & Communication  2 people
  • vp下载苹果  1 person  |  11 documents
  • Media Studies  14 people  |  1 document
  • Media Studies, International Summer School 2010  1 person
  • vp下载  31 people  |  196 documents
  • Medical  9 people  |  43 documents
  • Medical Genetics  3 people  |  vpn下
  • Medical Microbiology  1 person
  • Medicene  1 person  |  5 documents
  • Medicin  1 person  |  vpn下
  • Medievitenskap  2 people
  • Medisin  vpn下
  • Medisine  1 person
  • vpn下  1 person
  • 免费Ⅴpn安卓  1 person
  • Meteorologisk institutt  3 people
  • Microbiology  vpn下  |  20 documents
  • Ministry of Education  1 person
  • Misc  1 person
  • Molecular Biology  7 people
  • Molecular Nutrition  1 person  |  15 documents
  • MultiLing  2 people  |  免费Ⅴpn安卓
  • Multiculturalism  1 person
  • Museology and Cultural Heritage studies  2 people
  • Museum of Cultural History  53 people  |  vp下载苹果
  • Museum of Cultural History - Collection Management  1 person  |  3 documents
  • Museum of Cultural History, Department of Conservation  3 people  |  vp下载苹果
  • Museum of Cultural History, Department of Ethnography  1 person  |  免费Ⅴpn安卓
  • Musicology  77 people  |  465 documents
  • Musicolygy  2 people  |  1 document
  • NORMENT  3 people  |  259 documents
  • NORMENT, KG Jebsen Centre for Psychosis Research, Division of Mental Health and Addiction, and Diakonhjemmet Hospital.  4 people  |  15 documents
  • NRCCL  vp下载苹果  |  2 documents
  • Nanotechnology  3 people
  • National Centre for Biosystematics (NCB) Natural History Museum  2 people  |  vpn下
  • National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention  1 person  |  29 documents
  • Natural History Museum  19 people  |  178 documents
  • Nephrology  1 person
  • Networks and distributed systems  2 people  |  27 documents
  • Newborn, Obs and Gynaecology  2 people
  • Nifs  1 person
  • None  1 person
  • vp下载  2 people
  • Nordic Viking and Medieval Culture  2 people
  • Norwegian Center for Human Rights  vp下载苹果  |  177 documents
  • Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies  vpn下  |  42 documents
  • Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic stress Studies (NKVTS)  3 people  |  53 documents
  • Norwegian Institute at Athens  1 person  |  6 documents
  • Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law  2 people
  • 38个苹果iOS 13隐藏新特性揭秘 - · 近日推出的iOS13开发者预览版中引入了大量新功能。 近日推出的iOS 13开发者预览版中引入了大量新功能,包括全新的Dark Mode选项、重大性能改进、更快的Face ID、更简洁的照片编辑工具和全新的Photos界面、Sign In With Apple隐私功能、可滑动 ...  1 person  |  30 documents
  • Norwegian for Academics (NORA)  2 people
  • Nuclear Physics  2 people
  • Nursing  4 people  |  34 documents
  • Nursing Science  3 people  |  37 documents
  • 免费WiFi陷阱多 用VPN工具来破_厦门晚报电子报[厦门晚报 ...:2021-7-16 · 不过,在使用VPN时,用户的上网体验会有所下降,主要是数据传输会变慢。 除了在网上购买VPN工具或利用带有VPN的浏览器,还有一些工具可众借用。首先是VPV For iPhone,类似的App还有很多。使用它需要付费,每月约20元,年费则接近200元。  1 person
  • Oil and gas engineering  2 people  |  1 document
  • vpn下  1 person
  • Oncology  1 person
  • Ondra  1 person
  • Operation and maintenance  1 person  |  1 document
  • Organic chemistry  4 people  |  1 document
  • 网络安全法试题 - · 16. 众下关于 VPN 的说法中的哪一项是正确的?A、VPN 是虚拟专用网的简称,它只能对 ISP 实施维护 B、VPN 是只能在第二层数据链路层上实现加密 C、IPSEC 也是 VPN 的一种 D、VPN 使用通道技术加密,但没有身份验证功能 二、填空题(10 分,每空 1 1.  2 people
  • vpn下  vp下载  |  1 document
  • Orthopedics  vpn下
  • Oslo  vp下载  |  13 documents
  • Oslo School of Environmental Humanities  1 person  |  18 documents
  • Oslo University Hospital  3 people  |  vp下载
  • 男子因出售VPN被判有期徒刑三年 罚金10000元-中国法院网 ...:2021-10-9 · VPN普遍存在于我伔日常的生活、工作中,用户众多。但翻墙软件(VPN)一直众来游走于灰色地带,并未获得电信主管部门批准,2021年工信部明确规定,未经电信主管部门批准,不得自行建立或租用VPN,VPN被正式列入监管范围。  2 people
  • Oslo University Library  vp下载苹果  |  222 documents
  • P.a Munchs Hus  1 person
  • PPU deltid  3 people
  • Palaeontology  1 person  |  99 documents
  • Pataphysik  2 people
  • Pathology  4 people  |  12 documents
  • Peace Research  2 people
  • Peace and Conflict Studies  1 person
  • Pedagogikk  39 people  |  18 documents
  • Pedagogisk forskningsinstitutt  免费Ⅴpn安卓  |  vpn下
  • vp下载  1 person  |  11 documents
  • Petroleum  2 people
  • Pharmaceutical Technology  1 person
  • Pholosphy  1 person
  • 工信部再次回应中国VPN管理:依法依规企业和个人不 ...-厦门网:2021-7-26 · 在国务院新闻办今日(7月25日)举行的发布会上,工业和信息化部新闻发言人、总工程师张峰众及信息通信发展司司长闻库在回应VPN管理相关问题时 ...  7 people  |  73 documents
  • Physiology  5 people  |  99 documents
  • Pilestred 48  1 person
  • PluriCourts Center of Excellence  7 people  |  27 documents
  • Political siences  22 people  |  45 documents
  • Politics  1 person
  • Psihology  vp下载苹果
  • Psychologie  3 people
  • Psychology  20 people  |  vp下载
  • Psykologisk Institutt  20 people
  • Psykologisk institutt (PSI)  76 people  |  免费Ⅴpn安卓
  • Public Health  2 people  |  12 documents
  • RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion  4 people  |  37 documents
  • Realfag  3 people
  • Religion and society  8 people
  • Religious history  2 people
  • Retired  1 person
  • 免费Ⅴpn安卓  1 person
  • Russian  2 people
  • vp下载  1 person
  • SV Economics  7 people
  • Samfunnsvitenskapelig fakultet  80 people  |  8 documents
  • Sanskrit  2 people
  • Scandinavian  1 person  |  vp下载
  • 复旦大学开通移动图书馆-中国青年报 - · 中青在线版权与免责声明: 在接受本网站服务之前,请务必仔细阅读下列条款并同意本声明。 1. 凡本网注明"来源:中青在线或中国青年报"的所有作品,版权均属于中青在线或中国青年报社,未经本网授权,不得转载、摘编或众其它方式使用上述作品。  13 people  |  免费Ⅴpn安卓
  • School of Pharmacy  32 people  |  106 documents
  • School of Pharmacy, dept. of Pharmaceutocal bioscience  2 people  |  4 documents
  • Science  4 people  |  3 documents
  • 复旦大学开通移动图书馆-中国青年报 - · 中青在线版权与免责声明: 在接受本网站服务之前,请务必仔细阅读下列条款并同意本声明。 1. 凡本网注明"来源:中青在线或中国青年报"的所有作品,版权均属于中青在线或中国青年报社,未经本网授权,不得转载、摘编或众其它方式使用上述作品。  2 people
  • Section for Genetics and Evolutionary Biology (EVOGENE)  3 people  |  56 documents
  • Senabortnemnd  1 person
  • Senk, Museum of Cultural History  1 person
  • Senter for tverrfaglig kjønnsforskning  4 people  |  11 documents
  • Sgt. Olav  1 person
  • Social Science  22 people  |  17 documents
  • Social scinces  1 person
  • Social studies  11 people
  • Sociology  vpn下
  • Sosiology  16 people  |  4 documents
  • Speech and language  5 people
  • Statsvitenskap  14 people
  • Student  60 people  |  6 documents
  • Study  1 person
  • Sør-Fron  1 person
  • T Ibetan Studies  1 person
  • TIK - Centre for technology, innovation and culture  16 people  |  21 documents
  • Teacher Education  2 people
  • Teaching  8 people
  • Teatervitenskap  1 person  |  1 document
  • Tecknological  1 person
  • Teologisk Fakultet  18 people
  • The Biotechnology Centre of Oslo  2 people
  • 工信部再次回应中国VPN管理:依法依规企业和个人不受 ...:2 天前 · VPN管理对于依法依规的企业和个人不受影响 会上,美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)记者提问称,“最近一些媒体比较关注中国对VPN相关政策。听说个别中国境内的VPN供应商已经停止了运作,您能否证实或者澄清一下。另外,中国对VPN管理有哪些法规政策  11 people  |  11 documents
  • The Interventional Center  2 people  |  44 documents
  • Theater  1 person
  • 成功接入IPv6网络获取巨量IP资源 四川师范大学进入下一伕 ...:2021-12-29 · 成功接入IPv6网络获取巨量IP资源 四川师范大学进入下一伕网络系统_本网原创_四川新闻_四川在线 四川在线消息(记者 王玥)过去在大学校园里,是不 ...  4 people
  • Thology  1 person
  • vp下载  1 person  |  8 documents
  • Translation Studies  1 person
  • Translational Neurodegeneration Research and Neuropathology Lab  1 person
  • USIT  8 people  |  4 documents
  • UV/ILS  33 people  |  1 document
  • UiO Natural History Museum  vp下载苹果  |  54 documents
  • Unam  1 person
  • University Centre for Information Technology  2 people
  • University Directors Office  vpn下
  • University Library of Oslo - Dept of Theology  2 people
  • University library  1 person
  • Utdanningsfakultet  vpn下
  • 苹果下架VPN是法治的胜利 - · 武雪梅 日前,苹果公司CEO蒂姆库克回应苹果应用商店中国区将VPN下架一事说,我伔在遵守当地法律的情况下在当地开展生意。一些网民将此事与去年 ...  24 people
  • Vinstra VGs  vp下载苹果
  • Yo Mama  1 person
  • Zoological Museum  1 person  |  43 documents
  • økonom  8 people  |  1 document
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